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Sometimes I like sharing with you some topics not solely fashion related and talk about my personal experience. Today is about how I finally found a balance to share my time between work and Emma.

nickyinsideout - larsson & jennings - asos - balloon sleeve - silver jewelry - mom blogger


I am not here to say it is easy to be a mom trying to juggle a business with a family life. It is everything but easy. It took me quite some time to find a good way, in fact, Emma grew into a 18 months toddler in the meantime 😉 Luckily I have this new stunning and chic timepiece from Larsson & Jennings helping me to keep organised!

Both Menno and myself work free lance and the fact we don’t have strict office hours facilitate the whole situation in a way. For the first year of life as a mom, I had Emma full time and it’s been very often a struggle to find the time to work during ‘daylight’.. The time I could dedicate to myself and my work was mainly during her naps, one day a week she was staying with daddy and I could mainly work at night after putting her to bed.


nickyinsideout - larsson & jennings - asos - balloon sleeve - silver jewelry - mom blogger


When Emma was closer to the year of age and my work loads kept on growing we had to start thinking of childcare. This is easier to say than actually make the decision. It feels very easy now but back then, I had to let go of the guilt of thinking someone else would take care of my child for most time of the week. I think that actually making the decision and find the right place for her it was the most difficult part.


nickyinsideout - larsson & jennings - asos - balloon sleeve - silver jewelry - mom blogger


nickyinsideout - larsson & jennings - asos - balloon sleeve - silver jewelry - mom blogger


nickyinsideout - larsson & jennings - asos - balloon sleeve - silver jewelry - mom blogger


nickyinsideout - larsson & jennings - asos - balloon sleeve - silver jewelry - mom blogger


I am not here to say I discovered the hot water with childcare. I think I am a much better mom with doing what I am passionate about, without living with the frustration of never having time to cope with everything and every minute spent with Emma becomes more precious.

Some things in my life had to change. Living the moment is not an option anymore. I have to be super organised starting from the little things. If I try to leave nothing to the case, life becomes a little easier. Little things like planning the night before mine and Emma’s outfits, the next days meals, keeping a fridge always stocked up and who does what sharing the tasks with Menno. Life is now lived around priorities, which means everything rotate around Emma’s needs. Discipline became a daily routine and I divide my tasks I can do when Emma is around or not.

Finally, I make sure I always allow some me time during the week! Lunch with a friend in a pretty spot, a new manicure, some shopping.. anything that makes you feel good with yourself and reloaded!

This way I am able to drop my bags when I come home from the office and dedicate my time fully to Emma. My home time is Emma’s time and not ‘struggling-to-get-things-done-while-taking-care-of-a-baby’ time. The quality time I can spend with her, that time have no price in the world!


nickyinsideout - larsson & jennings - asos - balloon sleeve - silver jewelry - mom blogger


nickyinsideout - larsson & jennings - asos - balloon sleeve - silver jewelry - mom blogger


Inside Out the Look:

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Created in collaboration with Larsson & Jennings. Story, styling, photography and creative direction my own. Shoot at The Pulitzer, Amsterdam.

asos, balloon sleeve, larsson & jennings, mom blogger, silver jewelry, time


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