After visiting every designer website on the hunt for the perfect spring handbag, I have decided to embrace the large strap bag trend.
This beauty from Lido Venezia just arrived last week and I couldn’t wait to get over my flu to go out and wear it! The large strap is in line with this SS17 trend I want to be wearing in spring and the stripy white, navy and red strap just screams for warmer spring days. I cannot resist a made in Italy leather designer bag. Just by the look of it you can tell the very good quality!
February is here and it is time for fashion month again! Emma is still too little for me to be able to travel too much, but as every season I allow myself to one fashion week at least! Flights and hotel are already sorted and I will be in London in about two weeks! I am already looking forward to see everyone, of course the shows, events and meetings, plus this year we are going to shoot a few special projects over the fashion week weekend.
Today I am combining my new Lido Venezia bag with my beloved stripy coat I keep on wearing this winter. I like the stripe on stripe look of the coat and large strap bag. Finally, I loved wearing a cold shoulder knit to add a more feminine touch.
I wish you a great February ahead and don’t forget to check out the Lido Venezia collection and different large strap bag models. This italian brand really deserves a close look!
Inside Out the Look:
I am wearing the Large Top Handle Bag in Leather from Lido Venezia.
The cold shoulder top is from Costes and the rest of the items I am wearing are linked below in pretty alternatives currently in stock:
Created in collaboration with Lido Venezia. Story, styling, photography and creative direction my own. Shoot in Amsterdam.
large strap bag, leather handbag, lido venezia, made in italy, SS17 trend, street style
Love the thick strap trend, I can’t wait to get one!
Areli // Areli’s April blog
Areli’s April on Bloglovin
Really like that big strap bag and how you’ve combined it with these cute gucci loafers! xx,Paula, http://www.paulahandrickblog.com
Babe this bag is amazing! The large strap is so chic <3
Xoxo Iris
Julia Comil
I am absolutely obsessed with this bag and large straps. I went to their website and their collection is amazing! Thanks for sharing this brand!
I haven’t been adventurous enough yet to try the wide strap trend, but this one is absolutely gorgeous! So high quality and the colors are so perfect!
Omg I want this bag!! The strap the design the shape…it s everything that I like! Thanks for introducing the brand on your blog!
Stuart Brazell
Have major bag envy now
Hayley Dobson
That bag is amazing! I love the thick strap. Loving this whole outfit, so cool.
X Hayley
Primrose Bigwood
Absolutely adore that bag – such a subtle statement piece! x
Brittney Buccat
Love the images! Monochrome is super chic!
– Brittney
Anastasia Itriago
Loved the bag! Your pictures are stunning