We shot these images last weekend on what seemed a perfect day. It was Saturday, the sun was shining on our way to brunch with friends, the temperature still a bit low but actually a very good feeling in the sun. The perfect day to start enjoying leather jackets, off the shoulder knits and spring colour boots.
Just 5 days ago seems so far away when a perfect moment like this doesn’t reflects real life. Thankfully nothing really bad happened but yesterday Emma bumped her head against the kitchen table and since the morning after she’s been very sick. As a new mom I’ve read many times that there is nothing as bad as seeing your baby poorly and now that I am experiencing it, this is one of the worst moments.. feeling powerless in front of a sick baby is really the most terrible of feelings.
So tonight, when Emma finally was able to fall asleep and rest, I was going to relax a bit and write this outfit post.. I found myself thinking about the difference between real life and social media.
Today I could have shared one of these nicely edited photos – and I did – or a shot of real life of me in the hospital waiting room wearing a track suit and try to keep my baby smiling. Emma is indeed the most important person in my life and my life rotates around her now. She needs her mommy like no other needs me that much on this planet. I don’t see it as ‘faking the perfect life’, I prefer to read it as a sweet escape from the real life. When I open my Instagram, I like to see pretty things, get inspired by the fellow bloggers and instagrammers and keep inspiring you guys. I think there are enough bad things happening on this world when reading the news so I like to see social media platforms as a happy escape from real life sometimes.
The instagram accounts I love the most are the ones well edited, which show me fancy things, good photography, latest trends and yes let me dream for that fraction of the second when I see and enjoy the picture. So when they say that social media is not real life, I kind of agree but if I can choose, I choose both!
All of us need that daily sweet escape from what’s happening around.
My only tip today will be to don’t feel sorry to share something beautiful on your socials even if you had a sxxx day. It will make you feel better even if just for those 5/10 minutes. But don’t be afraid, if you feel like it, to share your true feelings with your community. You will be surprised on how many sympathetic and sweet girls you can find on a platform like instagram, ready to share an advice or a similar experience. Even if I don’t usually share my ‘bad’ days on my socials, I did share my experience many times with my insta-friends and always made me feel a ton better!
Ultimately, as opposite as everyone is advising these days. I say turn your instagram notifications off!
It is still possible to enjoy the intimate moments with your loved ones and a nice coffee or dinner out (after a table shot of course) and go back to check what’s going on instagram an hour later.. the best way is to interact and be part of the community! #sharingiscaring
Inside Out the Look:
Shoes: Daniel Footwear | Sweater: SheIn | Denim: Zara | Leather jacket: Maje | Bag: Chanel Jumbo | Sunglasses: Celine | Watch : Nicole Vienna | Cross ring, Moon ring, Heart ring and Moon bracelet, Star bracelet: Laura Gravenstock