Lately I am receiving many messages asking how I edit Instagram photos. It’s time to share some tips with you here!
First of all, I never take blog and Instagram photos with my phone. Every photo is taken on my camera. At the moment I am using an Olympus Pen EPL-7 and I am pretty happy with it. My favourite prime lens is the 45mm because I am able to create a more intimate image. It is extremely important to have a good knowledge of your camera. This made a big difference for me.
When it comes to edit Instagram photos, the quality of your images is everything. After you’ve mastered your camera, my best tip is to make best friend with some editing apps. VSCO and FaceTune are the ones I normally use. VSCO will really help you to keep your photos all cohesive on your feed. It offers a huge numbers of different filters and it is really worth to sit back and find out which one you really like and feel that can optimise your Instagram feed. Something that is very important to me, is to create images that are immediately recognisable. At the moment I am combining two different filters together in order for my images to be unique.
After all my photos are processed with VSCO, the final touch is given by FaceTune. I use it to adjust the light, in my case to make the photos darker but it works the same way if you like your photos lighter and whiter. FaceTune is also great to emphasise the contrast on your details or correct little imperfections.
It might sound like a lot of work but once you have mastered these two app, it doesn’t take that much time! Finally, what really made a difference for me, is following my gut. If you truly like and believe in what you are going to publish, also the community, big or small, that you’ve built up on Istagram, is going to like it and engage with you. Just stay focused on creating the type of images you love and stay true to yourself in terms of content.
Inside Out the Look:
Sweater: Colorful rebel | Blazer: Zara, similar here | Pants: Conte | Shoes: Sargossa | Hat: Unmade | Necklace and rings: Mejuri | Bag: J. W. Anderson, similar here
blog tips, edit instagram photos, facetune, instagram, photo editing, vsco