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It’s no secret I have a sweet-tooth for a good designer bag and my wish list always looks like a never ending story. But for many of us, spending the equivalent of a month’s rent on a bag remains a serious investment and of course, the bags we love the most, hardly go on sale.

Still, there are ways to save a bit of cash on our major designer bag purchases!


nickyinsideout - designer bag - rebelle - balenciaga bazar - pre owned - pre loved designer bag


Of course we can use some tricks to save up a little percentage on the full price of the designer bag we fall in love with. Tricks like shopping on sites that are based in Europe to save import and tax duties or considering an unusual colour which most probably will be part of some seasonal sales.

Instead, what I find the most effective, is buying from an authentic second hand source, like I did for this Balenciaga Bazar on Rebelle.

I’ve really enjoyed shopping on Rebelle, the site is very neat, it’s easy to shop, full on useful information and most important, it immediately gave me the idea I was going to spend my money on a safe website! I’ve surfed the site a lot before deciding on this Balenciaga (even if it was already on my top 3!), just out curiosity!;)

On Rebelle you can save major money! more than 70% sometimes, if you’re willing to invest in a pre-owned bag. What’s best than shopping on a website that offers all the designer brands you can think of, for guaranteed authentic purses that are in great conditions? I already have my eyes on a vintage Dior I also found on Rebelle! So, as you can see, the wish list is really never ending!! 😉


nickyinsideout - designer bag - rebelle - balenciaga bazar - pre owned - pre loved designer bag


nickyinsideout - designer bag - rebelle - balenciaga bazar - pre owned - pre loved designer bag


nickyinsideout - designer bag - rebelle - balenciaga bazar - pre owned - pre loved designer bag


Finally, Rebelle is committed with a great cause which is helping girls in developing countries! You can help by donating your preloved designer pieces but also by shopping this very cool ‘Rebelle with a cause’ t-shirt and spreading the word on social media by using the #rebellewithacause.


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Created in collaboration with Rebelle. Story, styling, creative direction and photography my own.











balenciaga bazar, designer bag, pre loved designer bag, pre owned, rebelle


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