Emma’s fifth month has been so full of milestones! She started to communicate with us.. in her own way! Our days are filled with screams and laughter. Most of all, last weekend, when she was exactly 5 month and a half, she sat up by herself! (and I am so proud of myself for being camera ready!!). So now she sits up right for longer than 30 seconds.. we reached a good 10 minutes! I am still a bit cautious so I constantly surround her with pillows ahah!
One of her favourite games is, of course, trying to grab anything that is ‘forbidden’! A glass, a knife, computer cables.. Everything seems to be more interesting then her own toys! So typical! Last but not least, she sleeps through the night.. After her last feed between 11:30/12 she sleeps all the way until 8 o’clock in the morning! We are in for a treat!!
I am also having more fun dressing her, and here it comes my favourite part 😉 hey! I couldn’t wait to start playing with her hair accessories (not much hair there yet ooopss!..) and her package from BANABEAN couldn’t arrive at a most perfect timing! Isn’t it the dream of every little girl new mom to have a box of beautiful hair accessories delivered to you monthly? The site is launching soon but you can already sign up on the waiting list and tell a friend for the chance to win a free month!! Have fun with your little fashionistas! 😉
Emma is wearing:
Hair band: Baby Bling via BANABEAN | Cardigan: The White Company |

25.12.15 Emma’s first Christmas

26.11.15 Emma Maaike -16 weeks
These days Emma is obsessed with trying to sit up and look around the room. She is getting so stronger but of course it’s too early. It’s her favourite thing to do.. together with sucking and biting anything that comes close to her. My favourite thing to do with her is our afternoon nap.. The longest the better! She never napped before for more than 20 minutes so I am really enjoying this new moment that we share together daily. I realise that they are babies for such a short time, I am trying to enjoy each stage of development, because they pass so quickly..
Emma is wearing:
Top: Petit Bateau (similar here on sale!) | Pants: Feetje (here)

16.11.15 Emma Maaike -15 weeks – 3 months old
I have decided to start this page to share the best moments of Emma’s life captured in pictures. I am not in the position of giving tips about babies, not just yet.. I am learning day by day. Everything is a discovery and an experiment really. This space will be more like a photo album to follow Emma’s growth and milestones, to share baby outfits, reviews of baby products and experiences with other mommies and mommies-to-be. One of the reasons I wanted a dedicated part of my blog to Emma is because she is now great part of my every day life and time is absolutely flying by. I feel like yesterday when she was born and now she is able to grab her toys.. and try to eat all of them.. yes, anything she catches goes straight to her mouth! She laugh first thing in the morning and when she is happy screams the funniest noises and immediately after pulls a very surprised face, she’s the funniest! She loves to touch my face, hold my hand and watch baby songs on youtube with daddy. I’ve spent the most incredible 15 weeks, I have laughed, I have cried, I have learnt to do anything with one hand, I have taken more photos an entire pc memory can sustain, I have spent more money on Emma’s clothes than mine, I have made up any kind of tricks to make her sleep or smile, I have been googling anything concerning babies, I have loved but also had any bad experience about breastfeeding and have no problem to admit I found relief in the formula milk (I am still breastfeeding at nights and mornings).
Having a baby and immediately after moving to a new country have been harder than expected but Emma is making me the happiest person I ever thought possible and I still can’t believe how much my life has changed.
I can’t certainly stop the time but I can stop every day to take pictures and videos of her and write as much as I can with the hope she will enjoy reading it one day.